Archive for December, 2008

Winter Blues

Posted in Uncategorized on December 11, 2008 by infernalcthulhu

Once again the construction industry has left me with no work and a question mark hanging over my head, wondering what to do next. Shawn (my boss) and I spent the last few weeks bragging about how the bad economy hasn’t touched us, but I suppose we spoke too soon. Suddenly we had nothing at all to do and I spent 2 weeks thinking it was a fluke and that it’d pass, so… rent is due in two days and who knows if we’ll cover it!

I’d like to move on to another career, but I can’t decide if I’m jumping the gun. I’ve ben doing flooring forever and its the only thing I know how to do. If I had stayed commited years ago I’d be doing it alone by now and probably making a decent living. Of the 5 major flooring stores on cape, shawn can’t work for 4 of them because of past flip-outs or disputes/burned bridges, etc.  I know that If I were doing floors myself I wouldn’t be in this position because I don’t have it in me to argue with authority, even when they deserve it. (Which, having been there for the 4 so called disputes, they certainly do.)

Pretty much I’m left wondering if a career change is in order, or if I’m just being melodramatic. I’m not being melodramatic because we really are in a lot of trouble, but I just don’t know if starting all over again is really worth it, or even feasible.

I was considering pursuing a career as a truck driver. Wag your finger all you want, but when i check out the want ads (about 8 hours a day) the only available positions I ever see are for RNs and CDL drivers. God knows I don’t want to be a nurse, and I happen to enjoy driving jobs very much, so it may work. I have never in my life made more than 15k per year. Maybe I’ve gotten up around 18 some years, but typically I have rarely made more in total than minimum wage, so pretty much anything higher than that, and consistent, would be a treat for me.

In other news, I have decided not to talk to my parents, atleast for a few onths if not years. I let them know how scared we were of being homeless blah blah blah and they wouldnt listen to a word I had to say. Granted I have not been the model of work ethic or responsibility in my life, but this is a serious situation and if they didn’t want to offer to help then I would have settled for an attentive ear, jsut for a few minutes. I just got the brush off. Maybe they’re right, I really don’t have the odds stacked against em on this one… Its not like the country has seen a record breaking, even historic number of lay-offs this year.. I mean theres tons of jobs out there and basically no one trying to fill them. Its easy to get hired because all the businesses are doing so well, they need new people constantly to keep up with the ever rising consumer demand. I’m just not looking hard enough. And what those big companies really want is an inexperienced uneducated 23 year old with a spotty work history. So I should really be fine. Anyway my point is that as lame as the “i hate you mom and dad” statement is, things are bad enough without being basically laughed at, so I’m not going to humiliate myself letting these people know whats wrong if they’re not going to listen, its jsut insult to injury and who needs it? Thats the end of them.

Anyway, Shawn has 2 measures with Peter Army (owner of post road vinyl) tomorrow, so hopefully we’ll hear something about upcoming work… WIsh me luck!